RAVEN: Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs

Respecting Aboriginal Values
and Environmental Needs

Indigenous Peoples in Canada have some of the
most powerful environmental rights in the world.

But only if they can afford to uphold them in court.

RAVEN is justice: powered by you.

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to put the 'solid' in solidarity.

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We are RAVEN.

Join us in our mission to provide access to justice for Indigenous Nations.

Supporting the assertion of the inherent and constitutionally-protected rights of Indigenous Peoples is a powerful pathway towards reconciliation and environmental justice. Working together we’ve raised millions of dollars to back some of the most groundbreaking legal challenges of our time.

Our First Nation partners  have halted mines, stopped pipelines, and created better laws. 

Take a stand for our common future. Join the RAVEN movement for Indigenous justice.

RAVEN raises legal defence funds for Indigenous Peoples in Canada to defend rights and the integrity of lands and cultures.


RAVEN'S vision is a country that honours the ancestral laws, rights and stewardship values of Indigenous Peoples and their equitable access to the justice system within a thriving natural environment.


Raven nenduwh jid ch’an jegwenilʔin – “Nenqayni dechen jedilex, guts’enz gunlin belh nen gwajaghiẑtan ʔeyed najegwedilht’I, hink’an Nenqayni jegwaghiẑlah jegwenilhʔin, gwet’ad ʔajetat’inlh”.


Qn h̓kq̓ḷamis qnts dítgváṇṃ́ gáqḷ̓a hákq̓ṃ́s w̓áxvw̓is gi yágvḷṃs Ǧví'ilásas 'Taqṇiálas Háiɫzaqvs Dítgváṇṃ́

'Háik̓axsis  c̓íslá qnts w̓áw̓áx̌tusa gáqḷa w̓úsás qnts q̓áikaskaw̓as w̓áxvw̓ís du qnts dṃsax̌v.


Kahkakiw ote nîkân ot’sâpahtamowin e-hayasit etikwe maka e-tipâhaskatek askiy mistahi kiteyimew iyiniwah wiyasôwewin kweyask nâkatiyimowewin iyiniwak wîyawâw tânsi ka isi wêpinikecik paminikewin ochi pîhcâyihk metoni miyopayiwin kiscikîkway âskihk.


Raven Trust, nis ho'ën 'et di Yinkit, Niwh C'ide'nï, Hibi 'It'en Wiggus bilh Hoodilhtiy'.

Wet'suwet'en, so'et ts'e'in di Niwh 'It'en gen Yinkit lhlweh 'It'atsilh.


skw’áTaʔ kʷannaxʷ niɫ Ténexʷ Ise’á kʷanʔskʷanʔsaI caʔ sel’el’exʷ snametay ckwê ʔiʔ niɫ kwanI ʔêyawkw’ acaʔ ʔaɫTêlyaxw ʔiʔ skwes Ixʷay nawilên ataʔ milêlam stánʔaq sna’wet aɫa císan scenew sxwaléʔeʔ

Translations of RAVEN's vision: Marina Humchitt, Elizabeth L. Brown, Bella Alphonse, Peggy Gladue and Shirley Badger, Violet Gellenbeck, Melanie Morin, Amanda Lewis and Elmer George


Raven Campaigns

Stk’emlupsemc te Secwepemc

Stk’emlupsemc te Secwepemc Nation is going to court to secure Aboriginal title to unceded traditional territory in interior British Columbia.



In the wake of the Nathan E. Stewart disaster, Heiltsuk Nation is taking an oil shipping company to court over their response to a devastating oil spill in their marine breadbasket.


Beaver Lake Cree Nation

Beaver Lake Cree Nation is taking on the tar sands – Canada’s fastest growing source of climate pollution. Already the largest industrial project on Earth, tar sands extraction has poisoned water, eliminated whole forests, and decimated traditional food sources for the Beaver Lake Cree people.



The Wet’suwet’en have been stewarding and protecting their traditional territories since time immemorial. Now, they are defending the land, air and water from Coastal GasLink’s (CGL) liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipeline.


Gitxaała Nation: Protect Banks Island

Take a stand for Free, Prior and Informed Consent! Keep the mining industry out of the salmon-rich waters of Gitxaala Nation’s Banks Island.


Breathing Lands

A powerful coalition of Indigenous Nations are joining forces to push back against unilateral decision-making over natural resources by the Ontario government. Are you in?


Words from our community...

A self-guided, 10 lesson course on Indigenous Justice in Canada.


Through a series of 10 videos, cartoons & lessons, you'll take a walk down the back alley of history — and the frontlines of legal action

RAVEN Champions

“RAVEN occupies a unique niche in the NGO community in Canada by creating legal defence funds for First Nations who must continuously defend their lands and livelihood from the onslaught of rampant industrial development. This small group is incredibly successful… ”

Jody Williams

Nobel Laureate and Founder of Nobel Women’s Initiative

"We have law because we're beautiful, as Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, we also have law because we're messed up. So for many Indigenous Peoples and certainly the possibility of Canadian law, can be a site of healing because it attempts to address our relationships: not just our relationships where things have gone wrong, but also aspirationally — where we hope to be as peoples."

Dr. John Borrows

Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law

“As a member of one of the Nations taking this issue to court…and as a passionate organizer with deep community roots, let me say this: RAVEN is making a difference. We know what we have to do; you are helping us to do it. We know how big this task is; you are giving us hope.” 

Jess Housty

Heiltsuk First Nation