Action: Stop Liberty Mutual from Insuring Tar Sands Projects

The Canadian government continues to support the interests of Big Oil, through essential service labeling, bailouts, and by subsidizing the oil industry more than any other industry in Canada. 

How do we fight for a transition off fossil fuels that supports and protects all workers when we are busy protecting our communities through social distancing? This is a chance for us to use our digital and creative tools to prevent Big Oil from using the pandemic as an opportunity to continue their crimes against the climate. 

Liberty Mutual continues to play a role in supporting tar sands projects, not only through its crucial insurance coverage of both the Trans Mountain pipeline and Keystone XL projects but with at least 8.9 billion dollars in fossil fuel investments. Insurance coverage and investments are essential for these projects to continue and without them, destructive projects like the tar sands would be forced to cease operations. Although last year Liberty Mutual changed policy to move away from the coal sector, their support for tar sands projects continues. 

Public Pressure works and together we can push Liberty Mutual to go further and join the eight other insurance companies that have already adopted policies on tar sands. 

Let’s write to Liberty Mutual and demand they live up to their promises on climate and stop insuring tar sands projects. More than 50,000 have already signed – will you add your name?

Sign now: Liberty Mutual, stop insuring Trans Mountain

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