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RAVEN Allies Tookit

Thank you for your interest in organizing for RAVEN!
Here are some key resources to help you put Indigenous solidarity into action. 



RAVEN provides all the materials you need to host a webinar, teach an online class, or organize an event to bring people together to learn and have fun.

Some of the best events revolve around using your talents and hobbies to engage your friends and network. Some examples? Lead a mushroom foraging walk. Set up a fun run. Host a burlesque show. Teach an online class. Play a concert.  We all have talent: how can you share yours in support of Indigenous justice?

Quick tips for fundraising success:

• Make sure to connect with RAVEN so we know about - and can promote - your event. If you haven't already done so, fill out the Organize form and we'll be in touch!

Events can be virtual! It's much easier - and surprisingly effective - to host an event via Zoom. Even if your event is live, you can amplify your reach by live-streaming it to audiences via FB live or Instagram.

• You don't need to re-invent the wheel. How do you already engage with your community? How do you already generate income? Can one of those activities be reshaped into a RAVEN fundraiser?

Choose a date and venue: we can support you to host online events via Zoom!

• We will help you set up a ticketed event page on RAVEN's fundraising platform and invite everyone you know via social media and email.

• Ask people to buy tickets and to donate before, during, and after your event. Even if they can’t attend, your friends will be able to support you online.

• If your event is live, collect donations at the door and pass the hat during the event. You can also sell popcorn, drinks, and desserts to raise funds. If it's virtual, post a donation link during your event and you'll be surprised at how many donations come in this way.

• Take photos or screenshots of your event and share on social media along with the donation link.

ActionArtboard 33calls


We use the power of the crowd to raise millions of dollars for Indigenous Rights. Use our easy crowdfunding platform to tell a story, engage your friends and family, and contribute meaningfully to
Indigenous justice.

Quick tips for crowdfunding success:

ONLINE FUNDRAISING is our secret weapon!

1. Set up your online fundraiser HERE. 
Start fundraising as an individual: set a goal, choose an end date for your campaign - give yourself at least a month.

2. Get personal. Tell people why you are fundraising. Whether you want to step up for racial justice, stand up for orcas, caribou, and  forests, or protect biodiversity: share your passion! Let your family and friends know why this matters to you.

3. Spread the word. It’s always best to start by emailing your close contacts because they are the most likely to donate. Try sending some quick personal messages to your inner circle to build up some momentum. Then send a more general email to reach all of your other contacts.

4. Share on social media.

One of the best strategies to use on both Facebook and Twitter is tagging and thanking people that have already donated while you are asking for new donations. This spreads your message further and lets the people you are asking know that people are already getting behind you.

The average fundraiser raises $800. Crowdfunding has been one of the most dramatic ways RAVEN has raised awareness and funds for our critical campaigns. It's quick, easy, and effective.


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