The purpose of the RAVEN Young Scholars Essay Prize is to recognize outstanding undergraduate work which intersects with the core precepts and values of RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs: Quite simply, we want to recognize students who are asking questions about the sorts of topics that we know to be important. The essay competition is open to all disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. Papers from all methodological and theoretical standpoints will be considered: submissions may be made from papers already written as part of normal coursework.
Our 1st PLACE PAPER will be awarded a cash prize of $1000.00.
Our 2nd PLACE PAPER will receive $500.00.
Prizes are awarded at a dinner later in June. The award is open to 3rd and 4th YEAR UNDERGRADUATES enrolled full-time at one of the following institutions: Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, University of Northern BC, Thompson Rivers University, University of the Fraser Valley, and Vancouver Island University. Preference will be given to candidates who self-identify as indigenous, but students from all racial and ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Deadline : June 1, 2016 To apply send a pdf with separate title page with name, student number, institution & email. No author identification may be on the essay pages themselves. Please send submissions and any questions to Max Ritts: