RAVENs are known for doing things differently. We take a birds-eye view of some of the biggest challenges of our time, sticking to a precise niche: funding strategic legal challenges by Indigenous Peoples. It’s that fine focus — that we keep to fiercely — that allows us to thrive, learn… and win!
As a RAVEN supporter, you’re a bit of a trickster. You’ve helped defeat the Northern Gateway pipeline by standing with some of the most remote and under-resourced communities in B.C. You’ve taken on mining giant Taseko to protect a lake sacred to the Tsilqot’in people. You’ve stood up to the Site-C megadam and defended the treaty rights of the Beaver Lake Cree against relentless tarsands expansion in their territory.
2017 is shaping up to be a wild ride. With your help, RAVEN has taken on new campaigns, supporting six different legal challenges with 14 different First Nations. We’re also ramping up existing legal defence fundraising so we can continue to support long-standing cases as they move through the courts.
Here’s our to-do list for the coming year.
- launch Pull Together 2 to raise $500k for legal challenges to the Kinder Morgan pipeline and tankers project;
- join forces with Indigenous nations to stop the Petronas LNG pipeline and Lelu Island export terminal;
- support First Nations in the Yukon’s Peel Watershed who are heading to the Supreme Court;
- stop Taseko Mines who are trying to resuscitate a thrice-rejected mine in Tsilqotin territory
- protect Morrison Lake, at the headwaters of the Skeena River, from becoming a mining dump
- continue to press for justice for the Beaver Lake Cree, who are defending Treaty Rights against tarsands encroachment.
RAVEN’s make a ruckus that can disturb the comfortable. They also bring a light that can comfort the disturbed. Are you with us?
It’s a big mission. Because we keep our focus crisp and our operations lean, we know we can succeed. But we need your help.
You’ve put reconciliation into meaningful action by stepping up to support Indigenous rights and stewardship values. Like the RAVEN, you’re willing to face down some very dark places — only to bring forth the light.
Will you be a champion again this year and give to RAVEN? You can donate or join our Circle of Allies as a monthly donor.
Thank you for all that you do,
Susan Smitten,
Executive Director