Hopping on Zoom is one way to sustain networks of resilience that can help us weather the coming storms. Join RAVEN now as a monthly donor and get an exclusive invite to a webinar Wednesday, December 9th with Anishnabe & Ojibwe scholar Dr. John Borrows!
The co-founder of Canada’s first joint degree program in Indigenous and Canadian law, Borrows will be joining RAVEN’s Susan Smitten and lawyer Jeff Nicholls for a storied conversation about the nature of justice.
Many Indigenous people are, due to environmental racism, stuck deep into ecological messes that most people never have to contend with.
Desecrated fishing grounds. Poisoned drinking water. Despoiled wetlands.
That’s why it’s so inspiring to encounter people whose eyes are wide open to those calamities, yet who hold their ground, summon their power and find ways to endow the world with grace, and with justice.
John Borrows is one such warrior. On December 9 at 5:00 pm, the RAVEN legal advisory panel member and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law will be joining founder Susan Smitten for a searching conversation about Dr. Borrow’s role in RAVEN’s recent achievements and to hear about his promising work in revitalizing Indigenous legal traditions through the Joint Law Degree program at the University of Victoria.
Not yet a monthly donor? Join now.
We’ll also hear from Tsimshian lawyer and RAVEN board president Jeff Nicholls, who will illuminate opportunities for the coming year where we can work together to tackle injustice and create better laws.