BC First Nations are in court, based on their constitutionally-protected rights, fighting to stop Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline and tankers project.
But fighting government is expensive. That’s why RAVEN Trust and Sierra Club BC and BC communities are building a legal defence fund – to provide First Nations the resources they need to win.
You can help protect the environment and First Nations rights – and stop this project – by donating to this campaign today.
Sierra Club BC is working in partnership with RAVEN, and we have been entrusted by a number of these Nations to raise funds and organize fundraising efforts around the province.
We have set up an easy-to-use website, pull-together.ca, where you can donate directly, start fundraising from your networks online, or host a community event.
There’s a First Nations saying: many paddles, one canoe. Let’s pull together as a province to stop this dangerous project from ever being built!
Thank you from RAVEN and Sierra Club BC, on behalf of the Gitxaala, Heiltsuk, Kitasoo/Xai’xais Nations, Nadleh Whut’en and Nak’azdli Bands.
P.S If you’re really fired up to stop Enbridge in BC, you can use the cool and easy to use online tools at www.pull-together.ca to start your own fundraising campaign!
Please spread the word and thank you for making your voice heard!
Posted by Admin Thursday Jul 24, 2014 10:00
Categories: Enbridge Northern Gateway, RAVEN General | Tags: Aboriginal, climate justice, Constitution, court, crowd funding, donors, environment, First Nations, fund-raising, indigenous, legal defence, Native American, pull together, rights and title, tar sands