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Dear Allies

When we put out a call to stand with Unistot’en against an injunction by TransCanada, we expected a trickle of donations. This community has already done so much: you’ve stood beside Unistot’en to help realize lofty dreams — the raising of the healing lodge — and to weather incredibly low moments —  police raids and intimidation.

RAVEN got involved as Unistot’en were preparing to go back to court and say ‘no’ to limitations placed by industry on where, when and how Indigenous Peoples could access land, practice ceremony and implement Indigenous law. RAVEN is the only organization in Canada dedicated solely to raising legal defence funds for Indigenous Peoples who are enforcing their rights. It was an honour to be called into service for Unistot’en land protectors.

So, knowing how much has already been accomplished for the beloved land protectors of Unistot’en, in the wake of yet another court hearing, we reached out. We expected a trickle, but you answered with a gushing waterfall.

Your generosity is just overwhelming. In just one month we raised almost $80,000 for Unistot’en. Huge thanks to our matching funds donors and to Northwest Lodge for going above and beyond to step up for First Nations. Now, the burden of pushing back against a corporate injunction will not fall solely on the shoulders of already burdened Indigenous Peoples.

With berry season upon us and harvesting in full swing up on the territory of the Unistot’en clan, it’s fitting that we are tasting the fruit of our collective labour, and counting our blessings together with supporters near and far.

As we wait for the outcome of the hearing and prepare for the next steps in defending against unwanted industrial development on Unistot’en lands and waters, we hope you will take a moment to savour the power of the circle you are part of. By joining forces around strong Indigenous leadership, we are forging an unbreakable alliance.


In solidarity,


Andrea, Ana, and

The RAVEN Team
Respecting Aboriginal Rights and Environmental Needs


P.s. If this is the first time you have donated to RAVEN, learn more about our victories and our impact by visiting our website and following us on social media. Join our Circle of Allies to provide reliable, long term support to Indigenous Peoples in their struggle for justice.