RAVEN donors raised a total of $304,000 for West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations’ legal challenges to the proposed BC Hydro Site C dam project.
Thanks to your donations and some heavy lifting by LeadNow, the Justice for the Peace Caravan rode an uplifting wave of support all the way from the Peace, across the Prairies, and into the federal appeal courtroom in Montreal. Hundreds of non-native and native supporters met the bus in Montreal, and also stood with Treaty 8 members and their legal team on the steps of Parliament in Ottawa.
“Site C is an infringement of our Treaty. We have serious concerns about the effects of the flooding on groundwater, erosion, the impacts on Treaty rights, fish and wildlife habitat and safety. All of our concerns were dismissed or diminished. There was there no urgency to issue these approvals, given that none of the power from Site C is needed at all.”
Roland Willson, Chief, West Moberly First Nation
We are humbled by the way thousands of Canadians like yourself stood with Treaty 8 First Nations in their quest for justice, reconciliation, and respect for the land, and we are grateful that your donations helped to ensure that the Nations were well represented in all of their court dates, right up to the federal appeal court. THANK YOU!
Together we have raised incredible support for the West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations. The momentum that Join the Circle donors have generated will enable these Nations to continue raising funds as they await the outcome of federal and provincial appeals. The West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations extend their gratitude to each and every RAVEN donor, and are now taking over the fundraising campaign. If you are interested in continuing to support any future legal actions, there are links here that you can follow.
If you wish to continue supporting West Moberly and Prophet River, you can do so by sending your financial support to the charitable entity the two nations have set up for this purpose:
You can also send a cheque made out to:
Nun Wa Dee Stewardship Society – SITE C,
9824 98A Ave., Fort St. John, B.C. V1J 1S2
While RAVEN will no longer be accepting donations on behalf of the West Moberly and Prophet River Nations, RAVEN will continue to support through social media the efforts of West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations and allied environmental groups, to stop Site C from bulldozing over treaty rights, farmland and unique wildlife habitat. Check out the upcoming Site C events in the Kootenays, the Cariboo and on Quadra Island.
Again, huge gratitude to everyone who grabbed a paddle and chose to be part of this important movement!