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Generous supporters like you have made a significant contribution to one of the most important legal challenges of our time: the fight to contain the expansion of Canada’s tar sands. The winter 2018 campaign for Beaver Lake Cree’s Tar Sands Trial has raised almost $200K.

Since the New Year, the Beaver Lake Cree legal team has been working flat-out, devoting every waking hour to preparing for the Feb 19 hearing on Advance Costs. That date is fast approaching, and we want to make sure the Beaver Lake Cree enter that courtroom with full legal and grassroots support.

When it comes to throwing a party, hosting a fundraiser or pulling together a rally, our supporters have knocked it out of the park in terms of creating events with heart and impact.

Now, RAVEN has teamed up with Equiterre and the Leap to present two powerful evenings of storytelling and dialogue —one in Montreal and one in Toronto — to build support and raise funds.

At the Frontlines of Climate Change

TORONTO: Wednesday February 6th, 7pm-9pm Native Canadian Friendship Center, 16 Spadina TO


MONTREAL: Thursday February 7th, 6:30-8:30 Maison du développment durable 50 Ste. Catharine


If you can’t attend, please consider making a donation to support Beaver Lake Cree Nation’s hard working legal team. Every dollar counts, and we thank you for your generosity.

The legal team is grateful for the flood of contributions and, especially, for your supportive comments. Please share your comments with the Beaver Lake Cree — we’ll be presenting your encouraging words on the morning of the hearing on the steps of the courthouse at a rally hosted by Climate Justice Edmonton.

Please take the pledge, and share widely so the brave folks behind the Tar Sands Trial know they have a movement thousands strong behind them!

“Nature is our most important resource, we have to stop the development of this industry, it has gone too far. Good luck, I believe in you.” M.L., Quebec City

“Thank you so much to the people who have spent generations defending their land and protecting the water.” G.G., Edmonton

“I am immensely grateful that Beaver Lake Cree and others fight for environmental rights – for all of us.” E.M., Vancouver 

In RAVEN’s ten- year history, our collective impact has been enough to stop pipelines, push back against open pit mining and secure the protection of thousands of hectares of land for future generations. We hope you will join us in person to hear from frontline Indigenous leaders, and send the Beaver Lake Cree Nation a message to share the energy of this movement that we are building together.