Five years ago today, the Nathan E Stewart tug-barge sank in Heiltsuk territory. The spill devastated Gale Pass, a prime shellfish and salmon habitat that Heiltsuk have relied on for countless generations.
Big thanks to Karissa Chandrakate @pangea1010 for putting together this infographic that articulates the crisis and legal case of Heiltsuk Nation. The Heiltsuk are undergoing their own Environmental Impact Assessment guided by Gvilas and traditional knowledge, combined with scientific approach. This evidence will be presented in court to hold Canada, BC and Kirby Corp accountable for the disaster.
We are DOUBLING all donations to Heiltsuk Nation right now. Donate
Since the horrific day of the spill, the community has worked tirelessly to contain not only the oil that spilled, but to repair the damage and restore the ecosystem to health. In that process, the community has stepped even more fully into their cultural resurgence, their stewardship responsibilities, and their power.