We are pleased to welcome Emma Roy to RAVEN as our new Operations Manager. Emma grew up in Thunder Bay and graduated from the University of Ottawa with a degree in Biology with a focus in Environmental Studies and a minor in Psychology. Passionate about her connection to nature and concerned with environmental issues, Emma worked on the Dasiqox-Nexwagwez?an Initiative, an Indigenous-led project in the interior of BC, before joining RAVEN.
Emma started this past summer and we are happy to finally sit down with her to introduce her bubbly yet analytical self to the RAVEN community. Emma shares the serendipitous way she learned about RAVEN, what she likes most about her role so far, and a practice that makes her feel connected to the water.
What drew you to working with RAVEN?
“A huge part of it is that I met Danielle through a training program. It’s rare that you get to know your boss, especially in a working environment, before you start. When I met Danielle, I don’t recall hearing a ton about RAVEN because I was focused on this training program. I remember her mentioning her job, but I didn’t look it up until the second week of the program which was a couple of months later. When I looked up RAVEN, I saw that the first case they took was the Taseko Mining case, which is connected to Dasiqox, so I was already familiar with their work. I thought, “How amazing would it be to work for this organization?”
Right before the second week of the training, I saw that Danielle had posted the Operations Manager position on LinkedIn. When I read through the posting, I felt like I could be a good fit; because it was so connected to my previous work, it felt like a natural transition. I was applying to hundreds of roles, but I was manifesting this one. Also, I knew I wanted to move to BC, and Victoria is such a gorgeous place. So it felt aligned. I started working and it was just affirmed. RAVEN does what they say they do and they do it well.”
What is your favorite part of the job so far?
“My favorite part is getting to support all of the departments without having the responsibility of all the departments [Emma laughs]. I feel like I’m a good foundational person. I can support Development, but I don’t have to do outreach or things like that because I know those aren’t where my skills lie. This job has been lovely because it suits the skills that I’m good at, particularly around strategic planning and budgeting. Budgets feel like a puzzle to me, I love to do them and I know no one else does. I do so much better when I understand the big picture and because I’m connected to every part of the organization, it’s easier for me to do my best work.”
What does Indigenous sovereignty mean to you or what does it look like to you?
“I’m a strong advocate for Land Back, quite literally giving communities their land back so they can manage it in ways that are in alignment with traditional laws and government. To me, Indigenous sovereignty also means that not only are Nations respectful of each other, but that the Canadian government respects and values Indigenous Nations to the same degree that they value other Nations around the world.”
What makes you feel connected to the land or water? Do you have any practices that keep you grounded in the natural world?
“One thing is just regular contact. I have a dog, so I’m out in nature almost every day with her. I love to explore and find new places. A new practice that I started doing over the last couple of years is inspired by the ceremonies that I witnessed with Dasiqox. Any time I’m near water and I’m alone, I’ll sing to the water. I just think it’s so lovely. It reverberates the sound, helps me feel connected and in the moment, and keeps me from being on my phone.”
How would your friends describe your interests?
“They would say that I love Taylor Swift, but also that I’m a fan of music, and arts and culture in general. They’d describe me as bird-like when it comes to my attention – I love anything shiny, sparkly, fun, exciting, loud, etc. I love festivals. In terms of hobbies, I’ve tried almost all of them. I’m a jack-of-all-trades. I also like skiing, I love to read, I love to knit, and do art when I’m inspired. They would say I’m a hobby enthusiast, a yearner, and a magpie.”
What’s something that brought you joy in the last year?
“Honestly, getting this role and being able to move. Not to be all, “OMG, I love my job,” but I was not in a great place between my roles, I was struggling with my mental health. Just having a fresh start and going somewhere new that suits my lifestyle – being able to explore a completely new place on an island with oceans and whales and all these amazing things. It has been so delightful and lovely and so good for my brain and soul. Finding work that aligns with my values is incredible.”