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We’re excited to share a new initiative being carried out in the memory of Richard Wagamese.

Called “Indian Horse” after Wagamese’s groundbreaking novel, the organizers of this new campaign are inviting people to sign on to the #next150 challenge: let’s make the NEXT 150 years ones where we craft a safer, more understanding country.

From their beautiful new website:

“The past 150 years of Canada’s relationship with Indigenous Peoples has been characterized by broken promises, mistreatment and misunderstanding.

Become an ambassador or change and reconciliation by listening to, learning from, and growing with Indigenous peoples.

To do this every individual in Canada needs to educate themselves and actively seek opportunities to learn. All of us in Canada — Indigenous and non-Indigenous — have a role to play in Reconciliation.

Each of the #Next150 challenges will give you a clear idea of what your next step can be. If you’re unsure of what action you can take as an individual to move our country to true Reconciliation, you’re in the right place. If you want to take action and show others how easy it is to get started in the work and the (un)learning of Reconciliation, you’re in the right place. If you want Canada to be a safer, more prosperous, and more understanding country, you’re in the right place.

The #Next150 challenge is all about setting a different tone in 2018 than what we’ve seen in the first 150 years of our country. Throughout 2018, we will be releasing new challenges for you to take part in that we hope will push your thinking and your understanding of Indigenous issues forward. Whether you’re Indigenous or non-Indigenous, educated on the subject or new on this journey, we welcome you to the #Next150 challenge and we believe you will gain something through participating. Our challenges will be issued by respected community leaders and activists in Canada. We hope that you find value in taking on each challenge and if you do, we ask that you share your learning with your friends and your network.

We all have a role to play in Reconciliation — take the challenge and start your journey now!”

Visit site and take the pledge: