Please join us for an evening of discussion, solidarity and action in the fight to stop the Site C dam.
The BC and federal government are pushing ahead with the Site C dam, even though the governments’ own review panel found that that Site C would cause severe and unmitigable impacts to Treaty 8 First Nations and negative impacts on the Peace Valley region as a whole. Treaty 8 First Nations and Peace Valley landowners are standing up in court for human rights, cultural survival and productive farmland.
Admission by donation. All proceeds go to the Treaty 8 First Nations legal challenges against Site C.
Speakers include:
– Chief Roland Willson, West Moberly First Nations
– Joe Foy, Wilderness Committee
– Craig Benjamin, Amnesty International Canada
– Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, Union of BC Indian Chiefs
Hosted by Wilderness Committee, Sierra Club BC, Amnesty International Canada, Union of BC Indian Chiefs and Peace Valley Environment Association.
For more information, call the Wilderness Committee at 604-683-8220