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Interested in learning more about organizing + fundraising? Join a webinar with RAVEN’s Ana Simeon and Tar Sands Trial organizer Brendan Campbell on November 6th, 4:30 P.S.T. RSVP:

RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs) has used state-of-the-art digital tools to amplify and grow the power of grassroots movements. Find out how you can lean in to support Indigenous leaders as they gear up for the fight of a generation: be part of stopping tar sands expansion by taking strategic climate action in your own community. Hear case studies of how extraordinary ordinary people have used our crowdfunding model to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to stop the Enbridge pipeline, quash the approval of the Kinder Morgan pipeline, and — next up — force tar sands projects to be evaluated according to cumulative impacts on treaty rights.

We’re serious about Indigenous rights — providing access to justice for First Nations is RAVEN’s entire reason for being. While we look to the voices of the land and waters for the passionate spark, we stoke those flames by using the same powerful engagement tools as “Run for the Cure”. Discover how you can contribute to this generational struggle in a meaningful way by setting up an online fundraiser and engaging your friends and family to support something you care about.

The Beaver Lake Cree live in a remote part of northern Alberta that was until recently a magnificent wilderness. They need everyone who cares about the future of the planet to get involved so they can tap into a network of solidarity and make their case — that unfettered tar sands expansion is violating their treaty rights and must be stopped. Please step up and join us: and spread the word!