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Brendan is a Cree undergraduate student was born and raised on Treaty 4 territory, but moved in 2014 to Nogojiwanong (Peterborough), which is within the territory of the Mississauga Anishinaabeg. Here, he continued his studies as part of the Indigenous Environmental Studies & Science program. He is eternally grateful to the Anishinaabeg, who made space for him in their ceremonies and gave him Fire Keeper teachings. After a year in student politics as an Indigenous Student rep on his students’ union and within the Ontario Circle of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Students, Brendan attended the 22nd Conference of Parties (COP 22) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a youth delegate. It was there, in Marrakech, that he met other Indigenous Youth, Climate Justice Warriors, and Leaders from all around the world. In meeting with these youth and leaders, Brendan was first introduced to colonialism and capitalism as global forces that drive Climate Change. Going into his last year of his undergraduate studies, and recently employed by RAVEN Trust to support the court battle of the Beaver Lake Cree Nation of Treaty 6 Territory against an extractive provincial government, Brendan hopes to invest what life Creator will give him to supporting Indigenous Land Defenders and Water Protectors in their work.