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A new crowd funding campaign is being launched today – because of a sudden and alarming change in practice by the Alberta Government and the Alberta Energy Regulator.  It affects everyone.  And we can all help support the first two nations to take a legal stand to prevent it from continuing.  Below is the media release that went out, and RAVEN is proud to be helping again in our capacity as assisting with First Nations’ legal defence funds.
A coalition of grassroots and environmental organizations is launching a new crowd funding campaign in response to Alberta’s efforts to shut First Nations out of oil sands regulatory hearings.  Yesterday Beaver Lake Cree Nation and Whitefish Lake First Nation announced they were filing legal actions with the Alberta Courts after the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) prevented their input on a major oil sands project that will affect their communities.

On June 12, 2014, Greenpeace International, Sierra Club Canada, Mother Earth Action Co-op, and RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs), announced a new fundraising campaign with a goal of $100,000 to support the costs of the litigation.  

“The AER’s decision to exclude First Nations and rural Albertans from the having a voice is very concerning,” said Mike Hudema, Climate and Energy Campaigner with Greenpeace Canada. “Everyone should be able to be heard because of the massive impacts these projects hold especially those most directly affected and those whose traditional territory these projects are to be built on. We are happy to lend our support to this initiative and encourage people to donate so that we can send a clear message to the Alberta government that this type of silencing will not stand.”

The decision to prevent First Nations and rural Albertans from the regulatory approval process is a serious departure from past practices. The groups are concerned that this reflects a deliberate move by the regulator to exclude them and silence debate on oil sands impacts.

“Somewhere along the way the AER’s rubber stamp took precedence over due process and First Nations rights to Free, Prior, and Informed consent. This is why First Nations people are demanding systems that are founded on their right to self determination, asserting permanent sovereignty over their traditional lands, territories, resources, forests, water, and everything that sustains life for the future generations and no longer perpetuating these systems of manufactured consent.” — Crystal Lameman, Member of the Beaver Lake Cree Nation, Treaty No.6, Sierra Club of Canada Climate & Energy Campaigner.

“We have been supporting Beaver Lake Cree Nation for several years now,” stated Susan Smitten, RAVEN, a Victoria based charitable organization that raises legal defence funds to assist First Nations who enforce their rights and title to protect their traditional territories executive director. “Our Aboriginal peoples will be the ones that rescue Canada from the worst effects of the tar sands. But it’s not fair to rely on the poorest people in our nation to stand alone and be the voice of reason in this effort. I encourage people to support this effort and the rights of First Nations to assert their positions.”

Please check out the new crowd funding page.  And share this with your networks!

Posted by Admin Wednesday Jun 11, 2014 21:02
Categories: Beaver Lake Cree, Climate Change, Environment , RAVEN General | Tags: