Tsilhqot’in Chiefs: company should fold up their tent and move on
March 28, 2013, Tsilhqot’in Territory: Today the Tsilhqot’in Chiefs responded to the announcement by the Federal Review Panel for Taseko Mines Ltd.’s controversial “New” Prosperity Mine proposal that the company’s application remains deficient. The Panel has issued a second deficiency statement and once again refused to allow the Project to proceed to hearings.
“It is not a surprise that we are here again”, said Chief Joe Alphonse, Tribal Chair for the Tsilhqot’in National Government. “This is a company that consistently refuses to conduct even the basic baseline studies required to back-up what they are saying they can do. Their previous proposal was rejected because of massive cultural and environmental impacts. Now they’re telling everyone they’ve solved all of these problems – but the Panel’s deficiency statements make it clear that they haven’t done the homework to support these sweeping claims. In doing so, they are making a mockery of the process and wasting everyone’s time and money, including the investors”.
“It’s stressful for our communities, and we are concerned about our Elders and Youth who do not understand why they must go through these processes again, after this project was already rejected once,” said Roger William, Chief of the Xeni Gwet’in, one of the Tsilhqot’in communities, “I’ve been dealing with this company for 20 years. They’ve showed us their true colours. The last time they told everyone there would be no impacts and they were proven completely wrong. Now they’re back again but they still can’t back up their claims. I feel like they’re wasting our time. It’s time for them to fold up their tent and move on”.
The Panel’s Second Deficiency Statement can be found here: http://www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca/050/documents/p63928/87572E.pdf
Media Contacts:
Chief Roger William: 250-267-6593 (cell)
Chief Joe Alphonse: 250-305-8282 (cell)
Posted by Admin Thursday Mar 28, 2013 16:46
Categories: Environment , Fish Lake, Taseko , Teztan Biny | Tags: