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Let’s celebrate 2 years since Pull Together stopped the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline and tankers project!!!

Based on the flawed Joint Review Panel findings, the successful court cases led to the cancelling of Enbridge on June 20th, 2016. As part of the RAVEN community, you helped to STOP THAT PIPELINE!! Thousands of people like you donated, organized, and fundraised online to support Indigenous Nations and protect future generations from tankers and pipelines. Standing behind  an unprecedented alliance of Nations along the pipeline route, we absolutely pulled together. RAVEN’s collaboration with Sierra Club BC raised over $613,800 for the legal challenges of seven First Nations.

Message from the RAVEN Board of Directors on National Indigenous Peoples Day:

June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day – a good time to reflect on the kindness, patience and courage that Indigenous Peoples teach us every day. Being on the Board of RAVEN is humbling, it feels like such a small thing in the face of the enormous injustice and desperate urgency in many First Nations. It is an honour to be in the presence of this much courage and determination, and to witness grace in the face of so many betrayals.  

With your financial assistance and dedication to righting the historical wrongs suffered by First Nations, RAVEN continues to be able to provide critical support in legal battles that aim to make a difference to all Indigenous Peoples in Canada. We are so proud to be on RAVEN’s Board, and to have a small part in our collective efforts to ensure that Indigenous Peoples get the rights and respect that should have always been in place.

The work we do at RAVEN is founded on trust. We are deeply grateful for the trust placed in us by donors, funders and the partner Nations with whom we fundraise. We feel grateful every day to have found!/donation/checkouta way that we can help. Your generosity makes this possible.

Thank you for all you do to build an equitable world and to protect all our relations. To support RAVEN or become a monthly donor, visit!/donation/checkout.