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What is Path Consulting? It is a coaching program within a consulting framework, helping people optimize their work-life-vocation-volunteering balance. Portaging across land or around rapids is the metaphor, the compass logo made of a canoe and paddles is the image carrier. It’s hard to portage alone, which is where Path Consulting comes in.

Stephen is a former high school English teacher, and now an organizational design consultant at Change Managementor, and a political scientist. His background is dynamic and multifaceted, from being a poet to mentoring students, colleagues, peers and clients for over 3 decades. Path Consulting is a natural outflowing of all of his work, life experience, vocational evolutions and being a student of human nature.

Stephen is committing 60% of gross proceeds from Path Consulting orders during the Week to End TMX.

We’re especially appreciative of our growing community of progressive businesses which are Pulling Together to unfurl a Week to End TMX. Between Nov 27-Dec 3, proceeds from yoga to kombucha to coffee and meals out are going to the campaign! We are so excited that Path Consulting is joining businesses around Canada and the US in supporting Pull Together.

Join us by supporting the Week to End TMX!