Our guest on this episode is pioneering human rights lawyer and trailblazer on the path to Indigenous sovereignty, Dr. Judith Sayers.
We spoke with Judith in late summer of 2020, just as her community was reeling from the violent murder of Chantal Moore at the hands of police.
Hear from participants in the Indigenous Justice Summit who gathered in the wake of Chantal Moore’s killing to bring people together to lobby for change. Panelists include Supreme Court Justice Ardith Walkem, Mi’kma’ki law professor Naiomi Metallic, President of the Indigenous Bar Association Scott Robertson and of course Dr. Judith Sayers, officer of the Order of Canada and Chancellor of Vancouver Island University.
Sayers also shares her perspectives on Indigenous power generation; as President of Clean Energy BC, she is leading the wave of Indigenous solar, wind and run-of-river producers in the province.
For a look at the 10 calls to action that emerged from the Indigenous Justice Summit, visit raventrust.com/callsforjustice.
The inimitable Judith Sayers, whose contributions to Indigenous constitutional rights, renewable energy and justice reform form the foundation for the work we do at RAVEN. The pioneering work of Sayers continues to provide a constitutional basis for many legal challenges our organization helps to fund, from the case that stopped the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline project to West Moberly First Nation’s challenge against the Site-C Dam.
Music is from Mohawk hip hop artist and Juno award winner Kinnie Starr. Learn more about RAVEN and champions of Indigenous justice by subscribing to the RAVEN Debriefs podcast and visiting our website, raventrust.com.