We have accomplished so much in five short years! We have expanded – taking on more campaigns, like the current Pull Together initiative, that fit within our niche mandate to provide legal defence funds for First Nations aimed at protecting the environment for the benefit of all Canadians. We continue to support Beaver Lake Cree Nation’s legal action to stop the expansion of the tar sands industries into their traditional territory. And now with the strength of the recent Tsilhqot’in title decision, we have a list of nations requesting our support. RAVEN works as a conduit between the generosity of donors and the nations that take a stand by trying to protect the environment through the courts.
One thing we realized in our five years? We cannot continue our great work in supporting these critical cases if we do not invest in our own sustainability. We appreciate that you may have previously donated to one of our campaigns, and we are grateful for your support! This year, we ask that you direct your year-end gift to support core programming at RAVEN. Our goal for this appeal is $70,000.
Why RAVEN? Because we see that what is at stake for First Nations is at stake for everyone and supporting their role as environmental stewards through litigation is a tangible way to saving the environment.
“RAVEN is a small but mighty Canadian charity that raises money to help First Nations tackle the big issues of Constitutional rights and protecting traditional land and ways of life. To ignore these injustices would be tantamount to condoning them. We stand shoulder to shoulder in support of their rights, so that we can achieve parity for the people on whose land we live.” ~ Susan Smitten, RAVEN executive director.
Donations can be made online at raventrust.com/donate.
We hope for a day when our vision is realized and our services are no longer needed. But until then, we will continue to do our best to level the playing field. RAVEN’s overhead is quite low because we keep ourselves lean and cost-efficient; it is currently $150,000 a year. Your donation will help ensure we can continue to offer the best support to our programs. Your gift will also help to cover the cost of hiring much-needed staff, which has become crucial for achieving the growth organically occurring as more people recognize the need for our support.
RAVEN is unique in the Canadian landscape, and we are having a direct impact on the litigation processes that will shape the future of our country. Thank you for helping us to realize our vision of a country that embraces the values of the First Nations.
P.S. For donations over $500, you will receive a limited edition RAVEN gift!