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Pull Together was created as a way for people to work together to defend our communities and our climate from tar sands pipelines and tankers.

Now, Canada may give the TransMountain project a green light after a hurried consultation process with First Nations. Funding Indigenous legal challenges may be our last, best chance to stop it.

Add your voice to support Pull Together: donate, fundraise + organize.

It may feel exhausting to keep on fighting a project that just won’t die,  but the inconvenient truth is:  we’re winning, and we’re going to keep winning.

We launched Pull Together back in 2014 under the  tagline “Who knew stopping a pipeline could be so much fun?” People like you came up with amazing ways to organize, fundraise and donate. Thanks to you, we raised over a million dollars, and built an incredible movement that beat Enbridge and has kept TransMountain on the ropes. Click here for a summary of the history of the Kinder Morgan/TMX Project from our friends at the Narwhal. 

It’s outrageous that Trudeau has approved TransMountain without properly consulting Indigenous communities.  It’s positively insane to build a tarsands pipeline when the scientific and international communities are declaring a climate emergency.

Indigenous Peoples are disgusted that their testimony at yet another round of hasty consultations has been disregarded in favour of Big Oil’s agenda.  They’re so furious, in fact, that they’re planning a fresh set of legal challenges.

Will you Donate to the legal fund?!/donation/checkout

We’re going to lean in — hard — to stop this project. But we’re just not the  kind of people who spew hatred and start wars. Maybe it’s because we know the law is clearly on the side of First Nations (with over 250 court victories at their backs, Indigenous Peoples are on the biggest winning streak in Canadian legal history).Or maybe it’s because we know how infectiously awesome— and effective — the people who make up this movement are.  After all, by pulling together to protect what we love, we defeated one of the biggest oil companies on the planet.

It may sound weird to say it, but: We are going to have SO much fun stopping this pipeline.

Let’s make this the season of Pints Not Pipelines. Tea Not Tankers. BBQs Not Bitumen.

We’re calling on people from Montreal to California to everywhere in between to find smart, kick-ass and creative ways to stand with Indigenous Peoples against Big Oil.

Are you in? Sign up here to organize an event. Click here to donate.

Together, let’s ride the wave to victory behind Indigenous Nations who, with courage and tremendous grit, will never back down.