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World Rivers Day 2022

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Water cloaks our planet and is the source of all life, and rivers are the threads of our waterways. September 25 is World Rivers Day and we are celebrating the Nations whose stewardship and care is working to protect the world’s rivers for everyone. 

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Intergenerational Intersections: Salmon stories flow with Roger William and Trevor Mack

By News, Resources, Webinars

After an opening song and story with Sierra William, Mack and Chief Roger, we heard from the venerable elder who led his people in resistance to clearcut logging and open-pit mining. In dialogue with Tsilhqot’in story weaver Trevor Mack, William laid out a 3-punch, knock-out strategy: beginning with the creation of the Nemiah Declaration, to the blockade of roads and bridges, and finally to the Supreme Court victories that kicked out Taseko Mines and established Aboriginal Title to sacred Teztan Biny.

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Desirée Dawson smiles on the deck of the Providence tall ship. In the background is a flat of Guayakí Yerba Mate

Festival Afloat 2022: Music, Food, and Sponsors

By Festival Afloat, News

Festival Afloat 2022: the Salish Sea Tour came together in a beautiful culmination of music, food, paddling, and raising funds and awareness for Indigenous access to justice. We raised over $50,000 for Heiltsuk’s and Gitxaała’s legal campaigns. None of this could have happened without the support from our incredible sponsors or the performances and storytelling from the different musicians and knowledge keepers.

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