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Calling all Masters Students! Do you have interests or commitments to Indigenous culture, social justice, and environmental rights? Do you have a paper due this term? Then we need to hear from you! The deadline to submit your paper to this year’s Harmony Essay Prize is June 1st 2022.

Since 2015, RAVEN has worked together with Harmony Foundation to present the Environmental Essay Prize annually.

The purpose of the Harmony Environmental Essay Prize is to recognize outstanding work which explores cutting edge thinking while presenting cases where traditional knowledge inspires practical action and produces meaningful results with social, cultural, environmental and/or economic benefits. Quite simply, we want to recognize students who are seeking constructive responses to important questions  shaping Indigenous movements today.

The essay is open to students of ALL DISCIPLINES in the social sciences, science and humanities. The paper is open to all Masters students enrolled at a Canadian university. Students of all disciplines are eligible for the Award; however, candidates actively involved with Indigenous endeavours and the conservation of the environment will be given preference.

We also encourage all applicants to position themselves in relation to the issues and topics they address in their papers. Preference will be given to candidates who self-identify as Indigenous, but students from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

1st place paper wins a cash prize of $1500.00. 2nd place will receive $500. All winners will receive a commemorative plaque and be inscribed in the commemorative wall in the RAVEN office.

To apply: send questions and submissions to Max Ritts, and include RAVEN HARMONY YSEP in the subject line.

We look forward to reading your papers!