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14202732_1344639828897043_4710513942712856588_nThis morning, Indigenous Peoples of the Peace River are setting off on a monumental journey against the Site C dam.


A group of elders, youth, Treaty 8 members and allies will travel 4,432km from the banks of the Peace River Valley in BC to Montreal to make sure the voices of the Peace River Valley are heard in the Federal Court of Appeal.


The West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations are appealing a federal judge’s decision to approve the construction of Site-C despite the project’s violation of their constitutionally-protected Treaty and Aboriginal rights.


After months of waiting for a trial date, the West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations are finally appearing in federal court on September 12th. With almost $300k raised to date, they are on their way knowing they have the strength of RAVEN allies & supporters like you behind them. 


The cross-country caravan will stop in communities along the way, sharing stories, connecting struggles, and building support for the just resolution of the West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations’ case against the Site-C dam. These two communities have been fighting this project for nearly five decades.

If you live on the caravan route, come out and attend one of the solidarity events to show support for Treaty 8 First Nations. Encourage your friends and family to join too! Support the legal challenge, and follow the progress of the caravan, at