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Join us for an evening of story-telling and solidarity. All are welcome!

NOVEMBER 7th, 2018
Doors open: 6:30pm
COLE GLADUE, Beaver Lake Cree Nation
SUSAN SMITTEN, RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs)
Musical Stylings by Lorraine Nygaard
Home baked Apple Crisp and coffee/tea
Admission: FREE but this is a fund-raiser. Your generous donations to this important cause are greatly appreciated and much needed. Thank you!

Co-sponsors: RAVEN, KAIROS Victoria, Cadboro Bay United, and Esquimalt United Justice Team

Beaver Lake Cree Nation is taking on the tar sands – Canada’s fastest growing source of climate pollution. Already the largest industrial project on Earth, tar sands extraction has poisoned water, eliminated whole forests, and decimated traditional food sources for the Beaver Lake Cree people. Expanding the tar sands will mean more pipelines and tankers for BC and game over for a stable climate.
The Beaver Lake Cree Nation is the first ever to challenge and be granted a trial on the cumulative impacts of industrial development. We are all treaty people. How then shall we live?
It’s time to join forces to protect the environment, climate, and Indigenous People’s right to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent. Are you in?

We would like to acknowledge the Communities and Nations in whose territories this event will take place: the Lekwungen (Chekonein, Chilcowitch, Swengwhung, Kosampsom, Whyomilth, Teechamitsa, Kakyaakan, Songhees, Esquimalt) and W̱SÁNEĆ (SȾÁUTW/Tsawout, W̱JOȽEȽP/Tsartlip, BOḰEĆEN/Pauquachin, WSIḴEM/Tseycum) Peoples. We would also like to express gratitude to the other local Peoples and Nations in this region including the MALAXEt (Malahat), Scia’new (Beecher Bay), T’Sou‐ke (Sooke), Ditidaht, and Pacheedaht Peoples. All our relations!