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The transfer of wealth that will take place in the next generation has a huge potential to empower RAVEN’s Indigenous partners. Facing unsustainable industrial development, the Nations we work with are taking courageous legal action to uphold their stewardship responsibilities and defend precious land, air and water for future generations. 

Check out the video below to learn more about RAVEN’s Generational Giving program. Also known as ‘Legacy Giving’, it’s a way for RAVEN supporters to ensure systemic change for generations to come. 

The webinar took place Wednesday, May 26 at 6pm PST & 9pm EST and features RAVEN’s Development Director, together with RAVEN’s Board President Jeffrey Nicholls, a member of the Lax Kw’alaams Nation and a lawyer, and Linda Hartford, Executive Director, Indigenous Trust, CIBC Indigenous Banking.