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On April 20th, over 300 people gathered on a warm spring evening to hear from West Moberly Chief Roland Willson, who presented a chilling map of cumulative impacts of industry on his Treaty 8 territory. Willson was joined by Kai Nagata of Dogwood, who explained that his reporting beat covering corruption in mega-projects prepared him well for his work debunking the case for Site C. Hydrogeologist Giles Wendling shared his data outlining risks posed by the plan to create a massive reservoir atop the Peace Valley’s unstable shale: all 3 experts painted a picture of a mega-debacle that underlies the Site C megadam.

Please watch the video to hear for yourself why Site C is unsafe, unnecessary and unlawful:

Listening to Dr. Wendling’s presentation, many audience members really got into the nitty-gritty of underground water flows and geology. We’ve compiled a list of questions for Dr. Wendling that audience members have put in the Chat, and we’ll be back soon with Dr. Wendling’s answers! 

“They call it progress,” said Chief Willson on the webinar. “B.C. bases all their revenues on resource extraction. They are addicted to it. The net result of that is the mess we are in up here. The argument that Site C is needed – it’s not. It’s unsafe, and, being unnecessary, it cannot be a justified infringement of the treaty.” 

“How much are we supposed to give up?”

Said Kai Nagata, “ There is still a path – I encourage people to support the West Moberly lawsuit, where a huge amount of research and legal briefs that have to be prepared. Supporting West Moberly is probably the most viable path to stopping this project ”

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