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Individually, we’re one drop. Together? We’re a mighty river.

We’ve been waiting a long time for Wet’suwet’en’s case to be heard by the BC Supreme Court. On October 2, hereditary chiefs who aim to stop Coastal GasLink from encroaching on their territory will be in court for the second – and final – day of their Judicial Review hearing. These visionary stewards of land and water are refusing to allow their territory to be defiled by a company that has consistently failed to live up to environmental and human rights standards. 

The overwhelming support for Wet’suwet’en Nation this week has proven that we don’t need to physically connect to make a massive impact.  The support of thousands of people means RAVEN can deliver solid funding — $20k and counting — for the Wet’suwet’en’s historic case, defending land, air and water from fracked gas development. 

Under normal circumstances, RAVEN supporters would gather together and rally on the courthouse steps. Instead, we are planning a webinar to show our support and hear from leadership online. 

If you have already given – please accept our profound thanks. Didn’t have a chance to donate? Give now: click here to  contribute to the legal defence fund

These days, “together” means something a little different. 

Right now… 

  • Together = nearly 4000 people who signed a pledge to send messages to Indigenous leadership  (add your voice!). 
  • Together =  420 people stepping up to donate $20k to support Wet’suwet’en’s legal challenge. 
  • Together = 58 people who signed up to become monthly donors to the campaign – offering a generous source of sustaining strength for long-term campaigns like this one. 

And… together let’s  jump on a webinar next Wednesday to personally deliver supportive messages to Chief Na’moks and Kalaset, who will be accepting them on behalf of all hereditary chiefs. 

Will you join us at 5 pm PDT, Wednesday, October 7th? It’s a rare chance to hear directly from the experts — Indigenous leaders Na’Moks and Kalaset, community member Charlotte Euverman, and legal counsel D.J. Larkin — about the B.C. Supreme Court challenge.

Find out more about the substance of arguments made to the court. Hear about the mountain of evidence of permit violations that has been painstakingly assembled by Wet’suwet’en.  And:  witness the delivery of thousands of supporter messages and let Wet’suwet’en know you are part of a movement of people who are standing by — together — to see justice being done. Sign up for Webinar

With such gratitude to you, for your part in building this mighty movement. It’s an honour to be standing with you.