When looking at an atlas or a globe one can hardly see the intricate blue weavings across lands that make up the river systems. But when you take a closer look, a map of the rivers across the world looks a lot like the root system of a forest, or the underground network of mycelium that funghi create to nurture the environment around them.
Water cloaks our planet and is the source of all life; rivers are the threads of our waterways. September 25 is World Rivers Day and here at RAVEN we are celebrating the Nations whose stewardship and care is working to protect the world’s rivers for everyone.
We’re running a social media fundraiser all weekend long, from September 24-25th to fundraise for the Gitxaała and Neskantaga First Nations, whose campaigns against mining have the potential to change the ways in which we are in relation to the waterways we all depend on. Make sure to check in with us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter!
Take action this World Rivers Day! Donate now: https://fundraise.raventrust.com/campaign/world-rivers-day/c431338
If you explore any map of rivers and waterways you’ll see that we all live downstream: a reminder to us that everything is connected.