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We’re witnessing a historic moment. The proposed Enbridge pipeline is dead! Today the federal government announced that it is revoking its approval for the Northern Gateway pipeline,  giving effect to the First Nations victory in court this July. Seven First Nations – Gitxaala, Kitasoo/Xai’xais, Heiltsuk, Gitga’at, Haida, Nadleh Whut’en and Nak’azdli – have won the day against a multinational corporation with deep pockets, a humongous PR machine, and unimpeded access to government.

First Nations defended their land and waters in court, in the media and in the streets. Tens of thousands of us joined with them and stood with them, all the way! We knew this model of citizen action behind First Nations legal challenges was strategic: now we know it works!

At the same time as killing Enbridge, the government announced their approval of the Kinder Morgan pipeline.  So: stay tuned, because we have another fight on our hands. But for today, let’s celebrate!

Find out about out next mission: Stop the Kinder Morgan Pipeline!

Read the rest of this story, and send a ‘Thank You” message to all seven of the Pull Together nations, by clicking below:


We’re incredibly proud of each and every person in the Pull Together community, which raised $600,000 to support the First Nations legal fight. The creativity unleashed was incredible! People did yoga, ate chocolate, screened films, got married, barbecued burgers, played music and more! See some of the Pull Together stories here.

Our most heartfelt gratitude goes to you for all you did personally to make this happen. This is your moment also – take the time to savour it!