VIDEO: Environmental Racism: A Story of Colonization and Ecocide Webinar Recap
We were delighted to again partner with Stop Ecocide Canada to offer this very timely webinar on environmental racism. The webinar featured wonderful speakers, Chief Roland Willson of West Moberly First Nations, and Tamara Lorincz of the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute. They joined moderator Suzanne Dhaliwal to discuss how environmental racism is harming people and lands across the globe.
Black and Indigenous communities internationally are among those that suffer the most from ecocide; it is impossible to talk about ecocide without also talking about environmental racism.
Watch the webinar recording to learn more:
Chief Roland Willson opened the conversation by sharing the histories of his own land and people and the damage that unnecessary industry – including the Site-C Dam – has done to his Nation, as well as how this type of destruction is in violation of Treaty rights.
Tamara Lorincz followed, reiterating that to stop the devastation of land and the environmental racism that occurs within Canada, a global movement must be forged that upholds Indigenous rights and justice internationally.
Finally, Suzanne Dhaliwal guided the speakers to look to the future with the question “How do we move forwards from here?”
Watch the webinar recording to learn more about what actions need to be taken to address ecocide and environmental racism on a global scale. And we encourage you to learn more about our partner, Stop Ecocide Canada, which is part of an international movement that works to include mass destruction of nature within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. Check out their work here.
Learn more about RAVEN’s co-hosts, Stop Ecocide and the important work they are doing here. Learn more about West Moberly Nations’ campaign against the Site C Dam here. And read more about the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute here.
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