Leslie Anne smiling looking at the camera

Leslie Anne St. Amour

RAVEN Campaigns Director


Tara McDonald

Breathing Lands Laywer

You are invited!

Join RAVEN for a fun and educational  beach hangout to learn all about the Breathing Lands Campaign! August 22, 2024, from 5pm to 7 pm, RAVEN staff and Breathing Lands Lawyer, Tara McDonald, will  be at Willows Beach in Victoria. Drop by anytime to say hi, ask questions, and enjoy some games with us!

For the adults and keen learners:

Arrive at 5pm to hear RAVEN’s Campaign Director, Leslie Anne St. Amour and Breathing Lands lawyer, Tara McDonald host a conversation about the legal intricacies of the Breathing Lands campaign. Can’t make it right at 5? No worries! They’ll be around until 7pm to answer your questions.

For the kids and families:

We’ll have games, colouring sheets, and a storytime featuring books written by Indigenous authors with themes of caring for the lands. Please note, we won’t be providing childcare but aim to create an intergenerational space where kids and families can have fun while learning about Indigenous sovereignty and ways we can all be contributing to a more just future.

DATE: Sat August 22nd

TIME: 5-7pm PST

WHERE: Willows Beach, Victoria B.C