Weaving SOliDARITY:

No More Stolen Sisters

October 20th, 2020
5:00pm Pacific | 8:00pm Eastern

Ana Simeon

Ana was delighted to join the RAVEN team in September 2016. Ana is passionate about protecting the land and achieving justice for the Indigenous Peoples who are the land’s ancestral guardians. Before joining RAVEN, Ana campaigned with Sierra Club BC to stop the Site C dam project, one of Canada’s most shameful violations of Aboriginal and Treaty rights.

You are invited...

A webinar with leadership from Wet'suwet'en Nation, who will be sharing evidence, stories and impressions fresh from their B.C. Supreme Court hearings this October. 

Hear first-hand about the strategic approach hereditary leaders and legal counsel are taking to ensure the safety of Indigenous women and girls in the face of man-camps being built in Wet'suwet'en territory. Find out how you can support efforts to push back against Coastal GasLink and the 'energy corridor' long opposed by Indigenous Nations of B.C.'s north. And put reconciliation into meaningful action by listening deeply to, and taking direction from, frontline Indigenous Peoples who are courageously taking a stand for our common future.
