Young Agrarians Event: Indigenous Food Sovereignty Panel — Land Back and Land Access

Leslie Anne smiling looking at the camera

Leslie Anne St Armour

Leslie Anne St. Amour (she/her) is a member of the Bonnechere Algonquin First Nation, located in Eastern Ontario and of mixed Algonquin and settler heritage. Leslie Anne completed her BA at McGill University in Political Science and a minor in Indigenous Studies, before spending a year as an Pathy Foundation Fellow working in her home community. A lawyer by training, Leslie Anne completed her JD at the University of Toronto and worked in private practice for two years before moving to Lekwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ Territories join RAVEN as Campaigns Director. When not working Leslie Anne can be found diving, camping, canoeing, or beading and scheming up her next trip.

Natasha Anderson-Brass, presenter on Indigenous food security with Young Agrarians.

Natasha Anderson-Brass

Natasha Anderson-Brass is a Saulteaux, Ukrainian and French Canadian farmer, artist, knowledge keeper, and scientist. Natasha is a member of the Key First Nation, who are located in Treaty 4 territory. As a result of residential schools and the 60s scoop, Natasha was not raised on her traditional territory with her Indigenous kin or culture, but is grateful to now be learning her cultural ways from her family, including her auntie Sharon Jinkerson-Brass who learned from her great grandmother Rebecca who was a traditional midwife and healer.

Natasha began farming in 2018 and started Minwaadizi Farm in 2022. Minwaadizi Farm is a small scale organic market farm and land-based cultural center located on the unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation. Minwaadizi means ‘they live a good life’ in Natasha’s native language, Anishinaabemowin. Natasha believes in the power of caring for the land, growing nourishing foods, and practicing culture as a way to heal from the impacts of colonization.

(all my relations)

Julian Napoleon, young Indigenous farmer with three heirloom pigs eating from a sty, northern B.C.

Julian Napoleon

Julian Napoleon (he/him) is Dane-zaa and Cree and lives, hunts, gathers, and grows in his traditional territory within Treaty 8. Napoleon is currently bringing together his background in Indigenous land based knowledge, ecological restoration, biology, and organic farming in guiding forward the creation of Amisk Farm. Named after one of the original Cree names for the watershed, Amisk Farm is a beautiful off-grid site located along the shores of what has come to be known as the Moberly River. The farm is dedicated to fostering sacred land stewardship and providing healthy and healing foods to the local community.

You are invited!

Join Leslie Anne St. Amour of RAVEN, Natasha Anderson of Minwaadizi Farm, and Julian Napoleon of Amisk Farm for a panel discussion with Young Agrarians on land back and Indigenous food sovereignty.

In so-called British Columbia, 95% is “crown land”, and most is unceded; a small amount has been treatied back to Nations through the court system. What does unceded and land back mean? This panel will explore these questions and share ways that Indigenous farmers are accessing and stewarding land towards Indigenous Food Sovereignty (IFS) under the colonial government’s complex system of land title. Listeners will come away with ways to deepen relationships with the land and support the land back movement. We hope you can join for a rich and engaging conversation.

DATE: Wednesday, January 31, 2024  |  6-8 PM PST

LOCATION: Online on Indigenous territories. Join us from the comfort of your couch, office, tractor, compost heap – wherever you find yourself able to tune in.

REGISTER: Tickets are offered on a sliding scale, suggested $1-$30 contribution. No one turned away for lack of funds.

Learn more and register here: