2024 Harmony Foundation
Environmental Essay Prize

Calling all Masters Students

Do you have interests or commitments to Indigenous culture, social justice, and environmental rights? Do you have a paper due this term? Then we need to hear from you! Sponsored by the Harmony Foundation of Canada, the essay competition is open to ALL DISCIPLINES in the social sciences, sciences and humanities. Papers from all methodological and theoretical standpoints will be considered.


DEADLINE: June 1, 2024


The purpose of the RAVEN Young Scholars Essay Prize is to recognize outstanding works which explores cutting edge thinking while presenting cases where traditional knowledge inspires practical action and produces meaningful results with social, cultural, and/or environmental benefits. Quite simply, we want to recognize students hoar e seeking constructive responses to important questions, such as: factors shaping Indigenous youth movements today, the social geography giving rise to Indigenous action, the struggle to save Sacred Headwaters lands, rights, attempts to incorporate Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Environmental Assessment, the role of colonialism — the list goes on. Students of all disciplines are eligible for the Award; however, candidates actively involved with Indigenous endeavours and the conservation of the environment will be given preference. We also encourage all applicants to position themselves in relation to the issues and topics they address in their papers. 

How to Apply

The award is open to ALL MASTER’S and MSC Students enrolled full-time at a Canadian University.

Our 1st PLACE PAPER will be awarded a cash prize of $1500.00.
Our 2nd PLACE PAPER will receive $500.00.

Winners will also receive a commemorative plaque and be inscribed on the commemorative wall in RAVEN’s office.

Prizes are awarded in July. RAVEN reserves the right to use the received entries for educational and other non-commercial purposes and to reproduce them in print.

NOTE:  Papers MUST include a SEPARATE PDF Title Page with name, student number, institution, and email address. NO AUTHOR IDENTIFICATION can be on the essay pages themselves.

Please submit in PDF format to danielle@raventrust.com and include “RAVEN HARMONY YSEP” in the subject header.

Preference will be given to candidates who self-identify as Indigenous, but students from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. RAVEN reserves the right to use the received entries for educational and other non-commercial purposes and to reproduce them in print. The entries will not be returned.