Megaprojects that violate human rights: not green, not clean

A coalition of NGO’s are issuing an open letter today condemning the Site-C Dam. RAVEN stands with these human rights and environmental organizations in opposing the project which will drown large swaths of First Nations traditional territory along with precious arable farmland along the Peace River.

Read the letter here:

“As we said in the letter, this is not just another resource development project.” said Craig Benjamin, spokesperson for Amnesty International, one of the organizations that signed the letter. “The Site C dam is one of the largest resource development projects underway anywhere in Canada and it’s absolutely clear that its impact on the environment and local First Nations will be disastrous. We’re astonished – and alarmed – that it was approved in the first place.”

Benjamin said, “During the recent climate change negotiations in Paris, Canada was clear that “clean energy” requires respect for both human rights and the environment. We’re asking that they put these principles into practice at home.”

The following organizations have signed on to this open letter:

Alliance 4 Democracy

The Anglican Eco-Justice Unit, Diocese of New Westminster

Amnesty International Canada

Blue Planet Project

BC Women’s Institute

Burnaby Residents Opposing Kinder Morgan Expansion – BROKE

Canadian Federation of Students

Canadian Friends Service Committee

Council of Canadians

Christian Peacemakers Team, Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Project

Coalition of Progressive Electors (COPE) Vancouver


David Suzuki Foundation



Greenpeace Canada

KAIROS; Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives


Peace Valley Environment Association

Peace Valley Landowner Association

RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs)

Skeena Wild Conservation Trust

Sierra Club BC

West Coast Environmental Law

Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

United Church of Canada


Please share widely, and donate to the fundraising campaign to support First Nations legal challenges to the dam here:

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