People’s Paddle raises $5600!

Today on the waters of the Lekwungen territory aka the Gorge, a group of paddlers with the strong leadership of Tiffany Joseph who shared song and wise and powerful teachings from these lands, pulled a super-banner with a message through the water that still there is no consent among many nations to Trudeau’s misguided tar sands pipeline that will deliver a 700% increase in biutmen traffic through the life-giving waters of salmon, herring, orca, kelp otter, seal, merganser, Heron, octopus, urchin and all the community of marine life that shares this sacred coast with us.

This was a fundraising paddle for the T’sleil Waututh, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, Coldwater nations taking a string and unrelenting stand against this toxic tar sands pipeline and forced to use the colonial courts to uphold their right to self-determination on developments on their territories and to once more voice an unequivocal No! to Transmountain. Their second court challenge, after the federal government’s approval for the Transmountain expansion was quashed by the court of appeal in 2018, begins Monday.

Our fundraising team pulled in over our $5, 000 target and we are still seeking community donations for the nations and their massive legal expanses, so please feel free to contribute or start your own fundraising page with our People’s Paddle Pull Together Team.

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