RAVEN Victories
RAVEN is the ONLY charitable organization in Canada that raises legal defence funds for Indigenous Peoples. Since the Tsilhqot’in decision we’ve seen a dramatic increase in requests for support. This year, with the help of donors like you, RAVEN has helped to level the playing field for 13 nations.
When Indigenous Peoples go before the courts to defend their rights, they also stand to protect the integrity of the land, water and air that we all depend upon. Very often the nations must go up against resource extraction corporations or governments with very deep pockets. Please help us to ensure that Indigenous Peoples, who are bound to enforce their rights and title through the Canadian legal system in order to protect their culture and traditional territories fro
m irreparable environmental damage, have an equal footing in the courtroom.
We invite you to become an ally in the courtroom. RAVEN Allies Circles bring together an extraordinary group of individuals that share RAVEN’s commitment to put reconciliation for Indigenous Peoples into action.
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