Save the Date: Miác̓i Canned Salmon Music Festival!

Announcing Miác̓i!

On December 4 2021, RAVEN is partnering with Coastal First Nations to bring you the Miác̓i Canned Salmon Music Festival!

A live stream of the festival will include performances by SNOTTY NOSE REZ KIDS, Kristi Lane Sinclair, Murray Porter, Candace Curr, Carsen Gray, Hayley Wallis, Jacob White, Jason Camp and the Posers, and Saltwater Hank! Read more about the artists here!

In addition to standing with Heiltsuk Nation in their title challenge, RAVEN is excited to be partnering with the amazing folks at Coastal First Nations, Rogers Sports and Media, Stream of Consciousness and Salmon Nation to bring a livestream of the festival to our supporters ahead of its TV broadcast later this month!

Miác̓i is meant to share Indigneous stewardship practices and recognize the importance of healthy salmon to Indigenous Coastal communities. It’s also a chance to celebrate Heiltsuk Nation’s recent acquisition of Shearwater Resort, a move that empowers Indigenous-led conservation initiatives in the Great Bear Rainforest.

Logo art design by: KC Hall

About The Coastal First Nations Great Bear Initiative:
The Coastal First Nations Great Bear Initiative promotes community self-sufficiency and sustainable economic development on BC’s North and Central Coast and Haida Gwaii. Communities are working together to build a strong, conservation-based economy that recognizes our Title and Rights, and protects our culture and ecosystems. We support: planning for marine and land resources in the Great Bear region, increased local control and management of forestry and fisheries, sustainable development through ecosystem-based management, capacity building in our communities, partnerships with government, industry, environmental groups and others.

Wild salmon feed orcas, fertilize coastal rainforests and sustain families all across these lands and waters. What better way to celebrate connectivity than to gather, live and online, and hear brilliant music and stories inspired by the red fish that weave us all together?

Get your ticket to the livestream by donation and join us in celebrating the Indigenous voices standing up for our land, waters, and salmon! 

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