Gathering Steam…. updates on BLCN and Fish Lake

Some important developments in both our key programs to share with you.  For both, we currently have a bit of time to raise the funds that will be needed.  It’s the pause that refreshes, so to speak.BEAVER LAKE CREE MOVE TOWARDS TRIAL DATEIn the category of “Patience is a virtue,” we bring you this update. …

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Can you spot what’s new on our website? We’re pretty excited about it!

Hint:  It’s just over there to the right, underneath the big picture of former Chief Lameman, between 1% and Gifts That Give. RAVEN is now a participating charity in the incredible Aeroplan program that allows people to donate their miles so they can be used for things like flights, hotels, car rentals, even purchasing things. …

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The Tsilhqot’in Go to Ottawa

What that means and why it is important to their rejection of the Prosperity mine proposalOn Thursday, January 24, Canada’s top court issued a decision granting the Tsilhqot’in First Nation permission to appeal a ruling that rejected its claim to aboriginal title over 440,000 hectares of land.  Here is a synopsis of why there was a collective…

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