Celebrating the laws of the land this Earth Day

digital illustration of mountains, clouds and trees

Around the world, Indigenous Peoples share a very similar respect and caretaking relationship with the land. Those stewardship values stretch back through time immemorial and exist as living, breathing ‘laws of the land’ today. It’s incredibly exciting to see the braiding of modern rights-based laws with Indigenous legal frameworks in courtrooms everywhere.

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Sustainable T’s from ecologyst with proceeds to RAVEN!

Ecologyst Earth Day T-Shirt

This past Earth Day, our friends at ecologyst launched a limited edition, 100% organic cotton, gender-neutral Earth Day tee, with 50% of the proceeds going to RAVEN! ecologyst is a Lekwungen/Victoria-based outdoor apparel company who produce their apparel locally with natural fabrics.  This beautiful and simple Earth Day T-shirt is still available on their website!…

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