Part 2: 14 reasons 2021 didn’t totally suck. PS: it’s mostly because of Indigenous youth and their acts of resistance

Banner image featuring Scott Wabano, Joseph Sarenhes, and Snotty Nose Rez Kids

Part 2 of a series: On the surface, 2021 was a year we might want to forget. But: as we start to peel back layers of the long-term toll the last year has taken on our collective well-being, let’s also remember to celebrate and lift each other up. Here’s a list of incredible Indigenous artists, activists and creators who use their voices, stories and skills to bring joy and build community. 

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Sustainable T’s from ecologyst with proceeds to RAVEN!

Ecologyst Earth Day T-Shirt

This past Earth Day, our friends at ecologyst launched a limited edition, 100% organic cotton, gender-neutral Earth Day tee, with 50% of the proceeds going to RAVEN! ecologyst is a Lekwungen/Victoria-based outdoor apparel company who produce their apparel locally with natural fabrics.  This beautiful and simple Earth Day T-shirt is still available on their website!…

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VIDEO: We Are RAVEN, taking flight this Giving Tuesday

Today is Giving Tuesday.  Together, we are building a foundation for future generations grounded in respect, reciprocity, and shared stewardship values. This Giving Tuesday, we are proud to launch our new website: please share our new video and let folks in your network know about RAVEN!

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What this pipeline needs is a good quashing

August 30 is the anniversary of the day, back in 2018, when the Federal Court of Appeal quashed the TMX pipeline. The decision set an important precedent. The court found the government failed to properly consult First Nations on the Trans Mountain project. It also found the government’s approval of the project violated its responsibility…

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