Tsilhqot’in vow to fight on despite BC Supreme Court loss
Today, the B.C. Supreme court granted an exploration permit to Taseko Mines Ltd. (TML). The permit approves an extensive drilling, road building and excavation program by TML that purports to advance its rejected New Prosperity Mine project.
“We will not stand by as Taseko Mines Ltd. moves forward with a drilling program for a mine that was rejected twice by the Federal Government and cannot be built. Drilling and exploration at Teztan Biny stands to destroy centuries of sacred and protected sites that are integral to the preservation of in culture.” — Chief Joe Alphonse
This is really hard news.
Our hearts are with the Tsilhqot’in people that have fought successfully for 25+ years (and counting) in court and in two environmental assessment processes to protect this special cultural and spiritual area from destruction.
The BC Supreme Court upheld Taseko’s drilling permit for Teztan Biny/Fish Lake. New Prosperity Mine is still rejected and can’t be built as matters stand (Taseko lost its legal challenges last December with appeals to be heard this winter) but the BC government and the court are still allowing an extensive drilling program throughout the area, potentially starting as soon as this weekend.
Read the full press release from the Tsilhqot’in National Government: http://www.tsilhqotin.ca/Portals/0/PDFs/Press%20Releases/2018_08_27_TMLDrillingUpheld_Final.pdf
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