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RAVEN is environmental justice:

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Indigenous Peoples in Canada have some of the most powerful environmental rights in the world. But only if they can afford to uphold them in court — that's where RAVEN comes in.

Who We Are

In 2009, RAVEN was founded with a goal to change the legal system from the inside out — the RAVEN staff and Board believes in a future where we see Indigenous rights upheld across the country. As an organization, we do our best to embody the teachings of the northwest coast trickster bird, raven, since we carry its name. Tricksters are usually characters who will take on jobs that no one else will, often facilitating change or transformation, much like our hope to transform the colonial legal landscape to include Indigenous laws and ways of being.

Read Our Story

Join RAVEN in being a part of the movement for Indigenous justice.

How You Can Help

Be a part of the movement. Organize, fundraise, volunteer. RAVEN’s impact is people-powered.

Join the movement for Indigenous justice now. 

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Education & Outreach

RAVEN engages in public education and outreach centered around Indigenous People’s stories of what’s at stake – for communities and for the environment.

Explore our library of resources.



Despite being out-resourced by industry and government, Indigenous Peoples have defeated the odds and won time and time again in court.

Support the access to justice for Indigenous Nations now.

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