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It’s been six years now that RAVEN has been working together with First Nations for equitable access to justice. It’s incredibly energizing to be part of a moment in Canadian history where indigenous people are shaping the future of the entire country.

The Tsilhqot’in case, which enshrines powerful land rights into law, has changed the face of industrial development in Canada. These landmark cases take a lot of hard slogging to sustain the interest of donors, the media, and supporters.  Constitutional challenges aren’t very sexy— until we win.

Victories like Tsilhqot’in have built up our stamina: our allies know that RAVEN has staying power to take on huge challenges, like the Site-C dam, the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline and the expansion of the tar sands.  We are able to offer reliable, long-term support to our First Nations partners thanks to donors like you.

In this watershed moment, we are reaching out to build a core of rock solid donors who can step up and commit to ongoing support for RAVEN’s funding needs.

Will you sign on to become a monthly donor to provide reliable, long term support so RAVEN can continue to fund First Nations legal challenges?

Click here to sign up:!/donation/checkout


We need a flock of RAVENs to form our inner circle. We are asking you today to make a sustainable commitment so RAVEN has the staying power to help take these cases all the way to the Supreme Court, if need be. Your $10, $25, or $50 a month keeps our small and dedicated team afloat as we tackle some of the biggest issues of our time.

RAVEN takes no government funding so we can remain independent in the work we do. Our mandate is strategic and focused, and our operation is extremely lean.  RAVEN is committed to support First Nations litigation because it is one of the most effective tools for protecting our environment, and guaranteeing a livable future for all of our descendants.

This is why we exist. You know how important it is to stand with First Nations in this time of reconciliation and healing on the lands we all share.

It is incredibly gratifying to know that we are making progress towards a more just and sustainable country. To get there, we need to strengthen our core by building a circle of 100 committed, reliable monthly donors.

We’re inviting you to stand with us on the right side of history. Are you in?