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This episode of RAVEN (De)Briefs is featuring a special guest episode by Lou Romain, recorded during the UN Biodiversity Conference in Montreal this past winter. 

This episode features the voices of Melody Lepine, Tori Cress, Daniel T’seleie and Paul Belanger, all recorded at a press conference organised by Environmental Defence Canada and Keepers of the Water. 

Fora like UN summits can be structured in very colonial ways: we are grateful to Lou Romain for weaving a tapestry of sound, grounding Indigenous teachings in birdsong, the voices of the river, and the breath of the wind. 

The more-than-human voices are the Athabasca river and various animals are recordings from he Yellowstone National Park, which share many species also endemic to the Wood Buffalo National Park. red-winged blackbird, Wilson’s snipe, warbling vireo, bald eagle, western meadow lark, common loon, savannah sparrow, and sandhill crane.

Additional music is by Holizna CC0, Soft and Furious, and Loyalty Freak through the Free Music Archive; theme music is by Luke Wallace. 

You can hear more of Louise’s work on her podcast, Circle of Voices. Listen on Spotify and Soundcloud:

Now: sit back, pour yourself some tea and enjoy this guest episode from Circle of Voices and Louise Romain. 

Listen Here: