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Banner image featuring Kayah George, Paisley Nahanee, and Kolin Sutherland-Wilson

Part 1: 14 reasons 2021 didn’t totally suck. PS: it’s mostly because of Indigenous youth and their acts of resistance

By News

Part 1 of a series: On the surface, 2021 was a year we might want to forget. But: as we start to peel back layers of the long-term toll the last year has taken on our collective well-being, let’s also remember to celebrate and lift each other up. Here’s a list of incredible Indigenous artists, activists and creators who use their voices, stories and skills to bring joy and build community. 

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Photo of a hiker wearing a backpack and a tag that reads "Canada Camino" They face away from the camera and are taking a photo of a landscape of trees and greenery.

Seven days on the Bruce Trail for Indigenous Rights

By Heiltsuk, News

In September 2021 the Canada Camino started a week-long hike across the Bruce Trail from Mono Mills heading North to Collingwood to raise money for Indigenous sovereignty and global food security. Organized by Aangen and Heart Space, a group of six hikers spent seven days learning about the land, respecting the ancestors who took care of it for time immemorial, and connecting to the spirit of the forest. 

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