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June 8 is World Oceans Day!

Between the federal government’s expected re-approval of TransMountain on June 18th, and the Senate unwillingness to pass Bill C-48 — the north coast tanker ban — we know there’s a lot of work to be done when it comes to ocean protection.

But: as we take stock, we can also take courage.

Because we’ve stood firm behind powerful Indigenous Nations, legal actions supported by the RAVEN community have stopped major tar sands pipelines from despoiling the Pacific coast, pushed back against tar sands expansion and halted destructive mining projects.

This unprecedented winning streak in the country’s courts is reshaping the landscape and rewriting our common future. 

In the spirit of audacious optimism that characterizes the RAVEN community, we’re inviting you to celebrate World Oceans Day by joining a fun day of action. On June 8th, we are inviting you to join forces with people from all over the country, and around the world, and shine a light on the groundbreaking #HeiltsukNation case to defend the Great Bear Sea. 

On June 8th, let’s make waves by giving a boost to the Heiltsuk “Stand with Coast Heroes” campaign. With hundreds of people donating, sharing and amplifying the story of coast heroes standing up to big industry in court,we hope to raise $5k for a legal challenge that, while it isn’t making headlines, will be a game-changer for Indigenous rights and ocean protection. 


WHAT IS IT: The Heiltsuk have launched a legal challenge in the wake of the devastating Nathan E. Stewart spill. Their groundbreaking case aims to establish Aboriginal title to the seabed and foreshore in the spill area, toughen marine safety protocols and strengthen Indigenous governance over territory that has been kept pristine since time out of mind.

HOW YOU CAN HELP: Join #TeamOcean and hop on a webinar on FRIDAY June 7th at 10 am PST. You’ll hear about the incredible momentum behind this campaign, meet some lovely allies who are pulling along with you, and find out how you can engage your friends and family to contribute to the case on World Oceans Day.

THE BIG DAY: On World Oceans Day – Saturday June 8 – we’ll collectively reach out to our networks and share our #TeamOcean fundraising page, and invite our friends and family to donate. With everyone working together, our imact can be huge.Small ripples: big wave!

Join #TeamOcean

If you welcome the opportunity to take simple but strategic action, sign up to join #TeamOcean and help us get the word out on World Oceans Day!

After triumphing over Enbrige, and surviving the devastating Nathan E. Stewart spill, the Heiltsuk Nation deserve our support so they can defend rights, land and water in the courts.

This World Oceans Day make a splash in your network that will have ripple effects for generations to come.

p.s. Want to support this campaign right now? Be the first to make a donation to #TeamOcean and start the wave!